
Mostrando postagens de novembro 4, 2012

Feliz Natal!

Não é Natal ainda? Eihm? Nem entrou dezembro? Corta essa: está cheio de panetone no supermercado, que eu vi. E, se não estamos no Natal, me explique: porque o Rio de Janeiro está tão engarrafado, neste sábado chuvoso?

Denise Weller shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, Denise Weller just shared an Instagram photo with you: view full image "Boa tarde! Good afternoon! #aterro #nature #beach #riodejaneiro #flamengo #nofilter #tropical #truecolor #goodafternoon" (taken at Marina da Glória) Thanks, The Instagram Team

Denise Weller shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, Denise Weller just shared an Instagram photo with you: view full image "Agora, vamos ver se voces adivinham o resto da história..... ❤👀🐯#art #aterro #pop #popart #popular #rightnow #riodejaneiro #naive #nofilter #brasil #brazil #flamengo #iphone " (taken at Aterro do Flamengo) Thanks, The Instagram Team

Denise Weller shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, Denise Weller just shared an Instagram photo with you: view full image "Esse é o Arthur, artista popular , esculpindo seus bichos no coconut. #aterro #art #pop #popular #popart #naive #brasil #brazil #iphone #rightnow #riodejaneiro " (taken at Aterro do Flamengo) Thanks, The Instagram Team

Denise Weller shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, Denise Weller just shared an Instagram photo with you: view full image "Oh brave new world 🚶👀🏃" (taken at Aterro do Flamengo) Thanks, The Instagram Team

Denise Weller shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, Denise Weller just shared an Instagram photo with you: view full image "Tangerina.... Tangerine... The juice, only 🌸👀☀ good morning! Bom diaaaaa!!!!!!!" (taken at BigBi) Thanks, The Instagram Team

I ❤Art

Do perfil do MET, no Instagram

Jerry Lewis as typewriter

Pra rir um bocadinho :-D Confira este vídeo no YouTube: Enviado via iPhone

La máquina de escribir. L. Anderson. (Lio en los Grandes Almacenes)

Genial, dica do Blog da Cora Rónai Não deixem de assistir! Confira este vídeo no YouTube: Enviado via iPhone

Denise Weller shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, Denise Weller just shared an Instagram photo with you: view full image ""Deus ajuda....." quem cedo estuda #ufrj #campus #university #riodejaneiro #praiavermelha" (taken at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)) Thanks, The Instagram Team

Denise Weller shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, Denise Weller just shared an Instagram photo with you: view full image "Bom dia! ☀👀😀" (taken at Lâmina Medicina Diagnóstica) Thanks, The Instagram Team

Denise Weller shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, Denise Weller just shared an Instagram photo with you: view full image "Suco2 banana & melon - não, o pudim não pode! 😄😄😄" (taken at BigBi) Thanks, The Instagram Team

Denise Weller shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, Denise Weller just shared an Instagram photo with you: view full image "Eu troquei: essa que é a #gata_magaly 😻👀❤ agora ela olha pra mim #cute #cat " Thanks, The Instagram Team

Denise Weller shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, Denise Weller just shared an Instagram photo with you: view full image "Hora da comida! 🐱👀🍲 #cute #cat" (taken at Pista de Corrida Flamengo) Thanks, The Instagram Team

Denise Weller shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, Denise Weller just shared an Instagram photo with you: view full image "👯👯👯👯 bommmm diaaaaa!" (taken at Pista de Corrida Flamengo) Thanks, The Instagram Team

Denise Weller shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, Denise Weller just shared an Instagram photo with you: view full image "Nada a reclamar: no complains!!! Bye 👯👯" (taken at Pista de Corrida Flamengo) Thanks, The Instagram Team

Denise Weller shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, Denise Weller just shared an Instagram photo with you: view full image "Aqui tem muita gente... Rs... Tai-Chi, parece..." (taken at Aterro do Flamengo) Thanks, The Instagram Team

Denise Weller shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, Denise Weller just shared an Instagram photo with you: view full image "Aqui nao tem garçon... Juice 1- suco 1 🍊" (taken at BigBi) Thanks, The Instagram Team

Denise Weller shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, Denise Weller just shared an Instagram photo with you: view full image "Good morning! Bom dia! ⛅👀🏫" Thanks, The Instagram Team

The birds are singing: "It's raining" Canto dos pássaros ao amanhecer, dia de chuva, em Campo do Coelho, Friburgo (...)"Só quem partiu pode voltar E eu voltei prá te contar Dos caminhos onde andei Fiz do riso amargo pranto No olhar sempre teus olhos No peito aberto uma canção " (...) Enviado via iPhone

Denise Weller shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, Denise Weller just shared an Instagram photo with you: view full image "👋👀🚶byeeee!!! 🍃🌿💦 (...) "Só quem partiu pode voltar E eu voltei prá te contar Dos caminhos onde andei Fiz do riso amargo pranto No olhar sempre teus olhos No peito aberto uma canção (...)" (taken at Campo do 🐰) Thanks, The Instagram Team